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p5-MARC-XML Work with MARC data encoded as XML, SAX handler for parsing MARCXML
p5-MLDBM Store multi-level Perl hash structure in single level tied hash
p5-MLDBM-Serializer-JSON DBM serializer uses JSON for language interoperability
p5-MLDBM-Sync Perl5 module for safe concurrent access to MLDBM databases
p5-native-hyperestraier (V) Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
p5-Net-Cassandra Perl5 module for accessing the Cassandra database
p5-Net-FileMaker Perl Module to interact with FileMaker services
p5-Net-LDAP-Batch (V) Perl 5 module to perform a batch of LDAP actions
p5-Net-LDAP-Class (V) Perl 5 module providing an object-relational mapper for Net::LDAP
p5-Net-MySQL Net::MySQL - Pure Perl MySQL network protocol interface
p5-ORLite Perl 5 extremely light weight SQLite-specific ORM
p5-ORLite-Migrate Perl 5 extremely light weight SQLite-specific schema migration
p5-Palm Access Palm .pdb and .prc database files
p5-Parse-Dia-SQL Perl module to convert Dia diagrams to SQL
p5-perl-ldap Perl class to access LDAP servers
p5-postgresql Perl interface class for PostgreSQL
p5-qdbm Perl interface of QDBM
p5-Redis Perl binding for Redis database
p5-Rose-DB DBI wrapper and abstraction layer
p5-Rose-DB-Object Extensible, high performance RDBMS-OO mapper
p5-Rose-DBx-AutoReconnect Perl5 module for Rose::DB with auto-reconnect to server
p5-Rose-DBx-Garden Bootstrap Rose::DB::Object and Rose::HTML::Form classes
p5-Rose-DBx-Garden-Catalyst Create Catalyst components that use RDBO and RHTMLO
p5-Rose-DBx-Object-MoreHelpers More mixin helpers for RDBO
p5-Rose-DBx-TestDB Test Rose::DB::Object modules
p5-RRD-Simple RRD::Simple implementation for Perl
p5-Search-QueryParser Parses a query string into a data suitable for search engines
p5-Search-QueryParser-SQL Perl module to turn free-text queries into SQL WHERE clauses
p5-Sort-SQL Manipulate SQL sort strings
p5-SQL-Abstract Generate SQL from Perl data structures
p5-SQL-Abstract-Limit Generate SQL from Perl data structures
p5-SQL-ReservedWords Reserved SQL words by standard and vendors
p5-SQL-Statement Small, abstract SQL engine
p5-SQL-Translator Manipulate structured data definitions (SQL and more)
p5-sqlrelay Perl module for SQL Relay
p5-sybperl Perl modules for using Sybase/MS-SQL databases
p5-Template-DBI Template interface to the DBI module
p5-Tie-DBI Tie hashes to DBI relational databases
p5-tokyocabinet Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
p5-tokyotyrant Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
p5-YAML-MLDBM Use tied hash db-s with Python and Ruby
palm-db-tools Conversion utilities for PalmOS flat-file database programs
pear-DB PHP Database Abstraction Layer
pear-MDB2 Merge of PEAR DB and Metabase database abstraction layers
pear-MDB2_Driver_mysql Mysql MDB2 driver
pear-MDB2_Driver_mysqli Mysqli MDB2 driver
pear-MDB2_Driver_pgsql Pgsql MDB2 driver
percona-toolkit Advanced command-line tools for open-source databases (MySQL)
pg_repack Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
pgadmin3 Graphical PostgreSQL client and administration tool
pgbouncer Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
pgbuildfarm PostgreSQL Build Farm client
pgocaml Native PostgreSQL binding for OCaml
pgpool Connection pooling/replication server for PostgreSQL
pgpool2 Middleware between PostgreSQL servers and a PostgreSQL database client
pgtcl TCL interface to PostgreSQL
pgtclng Next Generation TCL interface to PostgreSQL
php-dba PHP extension for DBM database access
php-dbx PHP database abstraction layer extension
php-ldap PHP extension for LDAP database access
php-mongo MongoDB database driver
php-mongodb MongoDB database driver
php-mssql PHP extension for MS SQL databases
php-mysql PHP extension for MySQL databases
php-mysqli PHP5 extension for MySQL 4.1 and later databases
php-oci8 PHP extension for Oracle 8 (and above) databases
php-pdo PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (base)
php-pdo_dblib PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (FreeTDS/Sybase/MS SQL)
php-pdo_mysql PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (MySQL)
php-pdo_odbc PHP ODBC v3 Interface driver for PDO
php-pdo_pgsql PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (PostgreSQL)
php-pdo_sqlite PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (SQLite v3)
php-pgsql PHP extension for PostgreSQL databases
php-redis PHP extension for Redis
php-redis3 PHP extension for Redis
php-rrd PHP extension provides bindings to the RRDtool C library
php-sphinx (V) Client extension for Sphinx
php-sqlrelay PHP extension for SQL Relay
phpldapadmin Set of PHP-scripts to administer an LDAP directory over the WWW
phpmyadmin Set of PHP-scripts to adminstrate MySQL over the WWW
phppgadmin Set of PHP-scripts to administer PostgreSQL over the WWW
poco-data POCO C++ RDBMS Master Accessor libraries
poco-data-mysql POCO C++ MySQL RDBMS Accessor libraries
poco-data-odbc POCO C++ ODBC RDBMS Accessor libraries
poco-data-sqlite POCO C++ SQLite RDBMS Accessor libraries
postgresql-pgroonga Fast full text search for PostgreSQL for all languages
postgresql-pljava Java Stored Procedures, Triggers, and Functions for PostgreSQL
postgresql-postgis2 Spatial database capabilities for PostgreSQL
postgresql-redislog Shipping PostgreSQL logs to Redis
postgresql10 Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
postgresql10-client PostgreSQL database client programs
postgresql10-contrib Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
postgresql10-docs PostgreSQL database documentation
postgresql10-plperl PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql10-plpython PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql10-pltcl PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql10-server PostgreSQL database server programs
postgresql93 Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
postgresql93-client PostgreSQL database client programs
postgresql93-contrib Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins